XR Startup Founders Hustle
XR Startup Founder’s Hustle
AIC – SMU Technology Business Incubator hosted the Founder’s Hustle in New Delhi on 25th July, 2023 for the XR Startup Program cohort. Aimed at discussing industry opportunities, synergies, and challenges, our founders shared their experiences, insights, and strategies, fostering collaboration and support. Facilitated by Prof (Dr.) Tej Chingtham, CEO AIC-SMUTBI, the session encouraged open discussions on topics like market trends, scaling, and fundraising, creating a community of like-minded individuals. By leveraging collective knowledge, the session was promoted to strengthen networking, improve learning and unlock the potential partnerships, empowering startups to thrive.
The startups present for the session included AATWRI Group Aerospace & Defence, MeMeraki, Augtraveler, Aveti Learning, peAR Technologies, BrickAr ( White Pebbles Construction Tech Pvt. Ltd ), Akumen Artificial Intelligence, Ailan Maibam, Nibiaa, Lalrinngheti Sangsiama, AgSpeak™,