Master Class Session — Marketing in a Digital Age with Mr Vedanarayanan Vedantham, SME & Startup Business Head at Razorpay.

Mr Veda has diverse global experiences spanning from Digital Marketing, Brand Consulting, Product Management and Business Development. He conducts programs on digital marketing at various top business schools in the country such as IIM Bangalore, IIM Indore, IIM Kanpur etc. He has spoken at the Arab e-commerce Summit, Dubai, etail Asia, Singapore, Strategy Planning Innovation Summit, New York. He is a graduate from INSEAD Singapore CMO Academy.

On today’s session of Marketing in a Digital Age Mr Veda spoke about the follow points:
1. 2020 — Digital Inflection Points
2. The impact of COVID on the Startup Ecosystem
3. The Acquisition Playbook – Facebook vs SEM vs SEO vs LinkedIn
4. The Engagement Conundrum
5. Case study on Healthify Me – India’s largest health-tech brand
6. Types of Digital Brand Exposure
7. Mobile Marketing Key Recipe Elements

Furthermore, Mr Veda illustrated about Google Universal App Campaigns (UAC), having an Inside-Out Marketing Approach, App Store Optimisation, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and Customer Drip Lifecycle Emails.

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