Startup Boot Camp
Startup Boot Camp
Boot-camp for Startup at SMIT
World Entrepreneurs Day On World Entrepreneurs Day, AIC – SMU Technology Business Incubator hosted an inspiring hybrid session to honor the relentless journey of startup founders. The event brought together over 30 founders and innovators from the North East and Darjeeling region.Who truly understands the challenges and struggles of building a venture? Not the incubator,…
National Startup Day 2024 On January 16, 2024, AIC – SMU Technology Business Incubator hosted the annual National Startup Day celebration, bringing together entrepreneurs, students, and mentors. The event was led by Sushmita Prasad who shared an inspiring introduction to the significance of National Startup Day and an overview of the AIC-SMU Technology Business Incubator….
Fridays with Founders – SAPNE 1.0Session 3 ‘Ramp Walk with Business Models’ Dr Dhruv Nath, Director of Lead Angels Network, Co-Author of “Funding Your Startup – And Other Nightmares”, published by Penguin, “The Nuts and Bolts of E-Commerce” and “The Nuts and Bolts of CRM”, both published by Tata McGraw Hill. He was the Former…
AIC-SMUTBI is selected amongst the proud four implementation partners for the XR Program by Meta. The program in collaboration between Meta and MeitY Startup Hub (MSH) aims to accelerate India’s contribution towards building the foundation of Metaverse and boosting the development of extended reality (XR) technologies. With the two components, Grand Challenge and Accelerator, the…
The diagnostic session discussed Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimisation techniques in detail to improve visibility of the startups. Mapping of keywords for organic growth (in case of SEO) and search volume keywords for ads (SEM) used to grab people’s attention and to put brands on top of people’s minds.
Weekly Mentor Clinic Session — “Legal Issues faced by Startups” with Ms Veena (Siya) Ajay Lala , Company Secretary, LLB, MBA (Finance), #AneevAdvisory Legal Consultants. Ms Veena Siya A Lala is the founder of Aneev Advisory, she has 15 years of corporate experience in Legal, Complaince and Secretarial across variety of sectors including Financial Services,…