Masterclass with Mr Sam Baisla ⭐️ on “Acquiring your first 100 customers”.

Mr Sam is a Serial Entrepreneur & Leader. He is the Founder and CEO of Brand Samosa, an innovative Digital Marketing Agency which helps Small Business & Local Brands win in the digital age, and #NEXELWorld, a Global organisation powering Young Entrepreneurs and Leaders of the World. He has helped Small Businesses and Startups across India, Europe and USA in their Leadership Strategies, Sales Operations and Social Media Branding for 16+ years.

Here are some key takeaways from today’s session:

1. Create case studies around you first customers to create brand value differentiation. Your first 100 customers should be your Brand Ambassadors and bring in your next 500 customers.
2. Founders should be the first Salesperson of the team and adopt the “Scientific Mindset” and talk/listen to their customers.
3. Focus on building your personal brand and personal relationships within your potential target audience and build your credibility.

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