This Privacy Policy applies to the recognises the importance of maintaining your privacy. We value your privacy and appreciate your trust in
us. This Policy describes how we treat user information we collect on and other offline
sources. This Privacy Policy applies to current and former visitors to our website and to our online customers. By visiting
and/or using our website, you agree to this Privacy Policy. is a property of AIC-SMUTBI Foundation, a Not For Profit Section 8 Indian Company registered under the
Companies Act, 2013.

Information we collect
Contact information. We might collect your name, email, mobile number, phone number, street, city, state, pincode,
country and ip address.
Payment and billing information. We do not collect any payment information on our website.

Information you post. We collect information you post in a public space on our website or on a third-party social
media site belonging to AIC-SMUTBI.

Demographic information. We may collect demographic information about you, to understand the startup you are
working on. We might collect this as a part of a survey also.

We collect information directly from you. We collect information directly from you when you register for incubation
or Acceleration Program. We also collect information if you post a comment on our websites or ask us a question
through phone or email.

We collect information from you passively. We use tracking tools like Google Analytics, for collecting information
about your usage of our website.

Use of your personal information
We use information to contact you: We might use the information you provide to contact you for confirmation of a
application for incubation on our website or for other promotional purposes.

We use information to respond to your requests or questions. We might use your information to confirm your
registration for an event or contest.

We use information to look at site trends and customer interests. We may use your information to make our
website and products better. We may combine information we get from you with information about you we get from
third parties.

We use information for security purposes. We may use information to protect our company, our customers, or our

We use information to send you transactional communications. We might send you emails or SMS about your
acceptance or communications of our new programs.

Grievance Officer
In accordance with Information Technology Act 2000 and rules made there under, the name and contact details of the
Grievance Officer are provided below:
Dr Tej Chingtham
AIC-SMUTBI Foundation,
If you have any questions about this Policy or other privacy concerns, you can also email us at

If you choose to visit the website, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Policy and the website’s
terms of use. In addition to the foregoing, any disputes arising under this Policy shall be governed by the laws of